Sunday, October 22, 2006

Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus...

I read this book when it was first published in 1992 by John Gray. I thought it was very funny and useful! Just a few weeks back, my wife told me that I should watch the movie "The Break Up". Her parting message was she sees similarities between the duke in the movie and me. While I have never turned down a chance to watch any movie with Jennifer Aniston, I was curious...

Now that I have seen the movie... yes I see a few similarities between Vince and I (let's not try to list them). While I don't agree with Vince's behaviour for most parts of the movie, I do understand some of his thinking behind some of his actions. With my many years of being married to my better half, I think I understand Jennifer's thinking behind her actions but I also don't agree with most of them.

My conclusion is that they don't communicate - which make both of them guilty as far as the break up is concerned (perhaps you can add in those sillly friends that they have).

So back to why my wife asked me to watch the movie... it is still a mystery to me. Actually, I did see similarities between me and both Vince & Jennifer. Wierd right?... Movies have a way of affecting our lives... I have to figure out how this one does... perhaps I should ask her about it... :-)