Learning never stops!... even through a regatta with really young sailors!
Competition is keen everytime that a regatta takes place and Sentosa Open was not any different. I realised how young sailors are really smart and know what to use in the rules to ensure that they come out better when there is any possible confusion. The last race was cancelled due to technicality. Unfortunately, Chloe did the best in the last day's races... but was not benefit from her good finish. So, that is that... Regatta is over so everything is a "done" deal. We look forward to the next regatta.
Chloe is still a "nobody" in terms of local Optimist racing but I found her mast foot moved so her sail was de-powered (measuring only 270cm). Who moved it... don't have an idea but perhaps it was a joke by some of the boys or girls. So, on the last day, I had reset it back to the correct position and Chloe had 2 good finishes.
Like my title of this entry says... the learning never stops...